Oct 23 - Dec 3, 2023

Anmälan jul-pop up

Anmälan öppen!

During one weekend in December, we offer companies, associations, organizations, school classes and private individuals to come and sell or show their products with us in a joint Christmas pop-up.

Date: Saturday 16/12 between 10.00-21.00 and Sunday 17/12 between 10.00-20.00
The price for a place at the Christmas pop up is SEK 1,500

You are assigned a placement on the spot. No tables are available. You decorate your sales area yourself.

Everyone is welcome! Design, arts and crafts, home crafts, food crafts, needlework, sweets, flowers, skin care, recycling, etc.

Products that you found in your closet, storage or other purging are better suited to sell at organized auctions. We therefore reserve the right to refuse notifications.

Please register as soon as possible, no later than Sunday 3 December. ATTENTION! Limited number of seats.

Anmäl dig här!

Do you have questions?
Contact: maria.hoglund@ingka.com


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904 22 Umeå
0770-350 355

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