
“Our planet is the greatest meeting place that we all share – the place where we meet friends, family and the small community around us. And now our home needs us more than ever."

Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. We believe that everyday life becomes so much better when it is lived in a sustainable way.

We want to do our part and add value through our meeting place by having a positive impact on people, communities and our planet. For us, it's about balancing economic growth and positive social impact with environmental protection and renewal.

This means that we always think long-term - so that we can meet people's needs today, without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Our sustainability strategy People & Planet Positive

We on three major challenges that affect the world and our business:

  • Climate change: no longer a distant threat but a tangible fact. We believe that climate change is one of humanity's greatest challenges.

  • Unsustainable consumption: by 2030, nearly half a billion people will join the middle class. In a world where we already consume more resources than is sustainable, this new customer segment puts even greater pressure on the planet.

  • Inequalities: each year a large number of people move out of poverty. At the same time, many are still struggling with very low incomes. Gender equality is far from a reality, and many people are still denied their basic rights and equal opportunities.

    We have identified three corresponding areas of focus to help us fulfill our vision and have a positive impact on people and our planet. We want:
    •  inspire and enable a healthy and sustainable life
    •  become climate positive in our operations
    •  stand for equity and inclusion

Shop sustainably

Inspire and enable a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
We will offer experiences and services through our meeting place that inspire and enable millions of people to live better, more sustainable, healthier and happier lives – all within the limits of what is sustainable for our planet. Together with our tenants and partners, we want to make a healthy, healthy and sustainable lifestyle a choice that is attractive, accessible and affordable for as many people as possible.

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Become climate positive in our operations

We shall contribute to a society with low carbon dioxide emissions by striving to become completely waste-free and climate-positive in our operations. Our meeting place must reflect sustainability through efficient, innovative and smart design and operations.

Läs mer om vårt hållbarhetsarbete

Stand for justice and inclusion

Our goal is to create a meeting place that is the heart of the local community. We want to be a partner that supports local needs, and we want to develop our business together with the people of Umeå. We strive to be inclusive and respect differences. By creating jobs and working for positive development, we can contribute to a fairer and more equal society.

Läs mer om hur vi stöttar och arbetar lokalt


Avion Shopping

Marknadsgatan 3
904 22 Umeå
0770-350 355

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    © Ingka Centres Holding B.V. 2024