Rent event spot

Avion Shopping has a number of event spaces that companies and associations can rent to market themselves or create an event. The real estate owner, Ingka Centres, chooses with care who gets to rent the event spaces because all activities in the shopping center must mean added value for our customers and add a positive visitor experience.

Send us a request by
mail with the information below:

  • Company name incl. organization number

  • Contact information for the person in charge

  • Concept description of event

  • Desired size of the surface

  • Desired date and time

  • Desired technology (electricity, internet, etc.)

  • Number of people present at the event

After we receive a written request, we will return with more information and a decision. Ingka Centers assesses the requests based on whether it creates added value and a positive visitor experience for our customers. Due to this, we have chosen to consistently decline all proposals regarding only the distribution of flyers or in other forms pure information transfer to customers. We do not allow sales on our event spaces and are restrictive about which companies we bring in so they do not compete with existing stores in the shopping centre. We do not rent out event spaces to private individuals and F tax must be proven by the customer. Ingka Centers reserves the right to refuse events for any reason.

If you wish to conduct sales, it is possible if you rent an area for a longer period of time, such as a pop-up shop. Then contact our partner relationship specialist, se contact here.


Avion Shopping

Marknadsgatan 3
904 22 Umeå
0770-350 355

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    © Ingka Centres Holding B.V. 2024